All about the "Cupping" Massage Technique

Massage Techniques

What is Cupping?

Cupping, sometimes called “inverse massage” is defined as a vacuum of negative pressure applied with flexible silicone cups that bring circulation and remodel Myofascial tissue below the skin to generate physical change.  The silicone cups are flexible and easy to apply and do not require heat or flame as compared to glass cupping to create a vacuum.

The cups can be applied to different areas of the body with a small application of oil to get a proper seal and the suction can easily be adjusted to the client’s comfort level.  After sitting on the skin for a while, the cups can then be moved very slowly over the area of pain to create a “stretch” in the fascia and to focus circulation to that particular area, drawing out toxins and releasing stagnated blood.  It can create circular marks called petechiae that may last up to a week.  This is normal and should not be cause for concern.

How many times have you felt so tight that the massage therapist could stand on the table and it still would not feel deep enough?  That is because the only way to truly affect the tissue on a deeper level is not with more pressure.  It comes with working on the connective tissue that wraps around every organ, muscle, nerve and blood vessel – the fascia.  As one continuous sheet that encapsulates every part in our body gets “tangled and tight”, it becomes like plastic wrap around a roll that gets bunched up.  Cupping is one way to experience deep tissue massage more comfortably with greater benefits to the deeper layers.  It literally unwinds the fascia, giving you more flexibility and less pain – which is the ultimate goal.

Top 5 reasons to add Cupping Massage to your regular massage treatment:

  • Is comfortable to receive as compared to other massage treatment
  • Brings circulation to an area of poor circulation or ischemia
  • Creates a healthier skin tone and strength to the tissues
  • Releases blockage of cold stagnated blood from deeper layers that can be a source of pain
  • Increases flexibility and reduces pain by properly aligning fascia and creating balance internally 

You will see better results in less time after only a few treatments, depending on the severity and length of time of the condition.  Hydration, stretching and soaking in magnesium bath salts will help diminish any soreness or discoloration. Isabelle Lovell, LMT has completed a Cupping Massage course. Ask your massage therapist about adding this to your regular regimen and let us make our “mark” on your wellness.




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